I am Vivek Kumar

Software Engineer from India, with 2 years of experience in a SaaS startup, specializing in web development, and SaaS applications.
Proficient in React.js and other JavaScript frameworks, with a track record of leveraging these technologies to build scalable and efficient solutions.

✦ Experience

Software Engineer - CardByte.ai

May 2022- Present

  • Lead the end-to-end development journey of robust multi-tenant SaaS application using React.js, Redux-toolkit, SCSS and React-Hook-Form guiding it from conceptualization to successful deployment.
  • Collaborated closely with product team, adeptly gathering requirements and transforming them into modular and reusable UI components.
  • Integrated firebase for seamless authentication and real-time notifications, streamlined contact sharing via Dynamic Links.
  • Engineered innovative solutions, including a user invitation system with bulk invites via Excel and Azure AD integration. Additionally developed many complex features like custom templates for cards and email signatures akin to platforms like Canva.
  • Achieved a remarkable 75% code coverage through rigorous testing with jest and React Testing Library.
  • Implemented React optimization techniques, such as lazy loading, memorization, and code splitting resulting in an impressive 70% improvement in web app load time while ensuring seamless mobile compatibility.
  • Ensured data security through API communication, implemented role-based and organization-based data access controls.

✦ Education

Full Stack Web Development - Masai School

Aug 2021 - May 2022

  • Built robust and scalable applications using the MERN stack.
  • Implemented modular and maintainable code structures for both frontend and backend.
  • Utilized advanced concepts in React.js, Redux, Express.js, and MongoDB to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces.
  • Integrated authentication and authorization features for secure user interactions.
  • Developed RESTful APIs and gained understanding of the principles of CRUD operations.




TourOpia is a webapp to get information about famous tourist spots. User can post blogs and read read others blogs.

Powered by React, Redux Toolkit, and mdb-react-UI-kit ,with Express and MongoDB



Buy book is the online book store from where you can order wide variety of book. It allows searching, sorting and filtering of books based on price, genre.

Powered by React, Redux Toolkit, and Material-UI , with Express and MongoDB



Sandesh is a real time one to one chat application, here you can send message to anyone who is online currently.

Built in react, styled components, socket.io, Jwt, with Express and MongoDB



Clone of Apple.com. Displays product portfolio.

Powered by React and Tailwind CSS



Clone of Snapdeal.com. Displays their product portfolio.

Powered by HTML, CSS, Javascript and Express and MongoDB



Clone of https://www.boat-lifestyle.com/. Displays their product portfolio.

Powered by HTML, CSS, Javascript and DOM manipulation

I am dedicated to creating libraries and tools to support the developer community and enhance existing projects. Feel free to explore my GitHub profile for insights into my contributions and ongoing projects.


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